A resident, John Glennie, posted this comment in my posting under 'Help Needed/Offered' in
the Bulletin Board area of the new residents portal.
Regarding the Building Library, postings seem to appear in a random order. Would it be possible to organize categories, or use separate tabs, to make reviewing items on a particular topic more reader friendly, e.g., Board Minutes, Committee minutes, etc.?
You can actually view the building library by category but, as it turns out, BuildingLink cannot change the order of this page so, if you want to see the documents posted by category, here's what to do:
- On the home page, click on 'Building Library' in the building info widget.
- Minimize the documents widget specific for your unit by clicking the red icon at the top of the widget.
- Minimize the recently posted/revised documents widget by clicking the red icon at the top of the widget.
You should now be able to view the documents by category. Hopefully, down the road our service provider can change this.